Monday, November 16, 2009

Size of your problems

We often thought we having a serious problem in hand. We are stuck in that situation that it take miracle to take out of our problems.

That is same case as what Seetha's thought. She try to commit suicide and bring along her four children. Read more

But we human a so small in this Earth. There are over 6 billion of us, human on this planet Earth which has a surface of total 510,072,00 km² where 29.2% are land (148,940,000 km²). Its has a volume of 1.0832x1012 km3 and mass of 5.9736 × 1024 kg.

But Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system is 1321.3 times the size Earth. And our Sun is 984 times larger than Jupiter or 1.3 millions times larger than our planet Earth.

Yet our Sun is just a small dot in our galaxy - the Milky Way. Milky way is a small galaxy in the universe.

Now, think again. How big is our problem?

Compare it with our universe.

So stop look at life through a small key holes.

Think positively after all life is short. An average human life expectancy is just 66.57 years. It is not long yet it not short. So be happy and enjoy life. What the heck - doing suicide? You will die one day after all.

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